User Community Feedback

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Can you create the option to mass delete, archive or move/file spaces so they become more manageable

Users who like order to their filing - those with nothing in their outlook in boxes would value this - at the moment spaces become cluttered and it's hard to find what you're looking for. Some users somewhat overwhelmed.

  • Jim Pearce
  • Sep 9 2020
  • Need more info
  • Sep 11, 2020

    Admin response

    We have private space labelling in our backlog, which will allow users to privately label their spaces. Would that solve for your use case?

  • Guest commented
    July 15, 2022 15:18

    Private labeling solves part of the use case, but team moderators in my organization would appreciate the ability to bulk archive or bulk delete team subspaces that are no longer needed. And all space moderators in my organization would appreciate the ability to bulk delete spaces that are no longer in use so they don't linger in everyone's space list.