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Enabling Call Me for Attendees in Webex Webinar through REST API

For reference:

This is a feature gap between the XML API and the REST API. If you want to schedule exclusively through the API, with Webex Events (Classic) you are able to allow attendees access to the Call Back (Call Me) option, a.k.a. "Allow attendees to receive a call back (call-in will still be available)" - screenshot available on the Forum link above.

However, with Webinars, this option is not available through the REST API and requires editing the existing webinar to check the box highlighted below.

This can be considered a workaround but not on the long run. It would be great to have this option available in the REST API, either through the Create Meeting call similar to how the Create Event call in the XML API works, or at least be able to set it with the Telephone Options API.

  • Janos Benyovszki
  • Dec 7 2022
  • Future consideration