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need capability to disable self-view video in MPP phones.

Customer needs/would like capability to disable self-view video in MPP phones, specifically in 8865 devices (although it would make sense to include it for all device types).

This on a per device / per user basis.
Video to and from the far-end should still be available. (So shutting down the camera or current capability to turning video off would not accomplish the request.)

  • Gonzalo Mariano
  • Dec 16 2022
  • Need more info
  • Gonzalo Mariano commented
    January 25, 2023 13:42

    Please see below:

    -"Is the request to still support video calling, but they want to turn off self view?" Yes, correct: have local video transmitted from local side, but stop local self view. This would be the Use Case; as per Customer, Users find seeing their self-view annoying.

    -given the above request, closing the camera on the local phone will not do, as it will stop the local video view from being sent to the far side (far-side will see black, I believe).

    Customer claims multiple Users have asked for this one request. (On the side, as per Customer, the capabiity is availabe in non-MPP devices.)

    Thank you.

  • Admin
    Alec Walker commented
    January 25, 2023 12:20

    I'm not sure I understand the requirement. Is the request to still support video calilng, but they want to turn off self view? You can, for example, turn off the camera by closing on the local phone. Can you provide more information on the specific request and the use case behind it?