User Community Feedback

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Additional warning statement when enabling the Moderate Space option

Problem statement: We've had multiple instances where a user converts a space into a moderated space without adding multiple moderators. Later, if that person leaves the company or their account gets disabled it requires a 3rd level team with access to the API and a compliance office role to add a new moderator to the space.

Suggestion: Add a warning on the popup dialog for changing a space to moderated, encouraging the user to have more than one mod to prevent this scenario.

Supporting information:
The current notification states "A space moderator can add or remove people, edit the space settings, and assign or remove people as moderators."

It would be nice to add additional instruction along the lines of WARNING: It is recommended to add multiple moderators when possible, to avoid disruption in the event a moderator's account gets disabled or leaves the space.

  • KP Smith
  • Dec 20 2022
  • Mark J Sewhuk commented
    December 21, 2022 15:17

    This will say a lot of support calls !