User Community Feedback

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Have CUCM grab the phone's CDP neighbor info after registration

The phones already grab their CDP neighbor info which is incredibly useful when troubleshooting a phone that's up, has its web access turned on, is using the IP given in CUCM, and is accessible on the network.

But sometimes you have a phone that _was_ working until someone unplugged it and now it's not working when they plug it back in or possibly someone made some wide-ranging switch changes that might have messed up the config on the port, but you can't get to the phone's web page because its config had it turned off and you get the chicken/egg scenario where you need access to the page now to get the CDP neighbor info to track it down but you can't make that change if it's not registered.

If CUCM could simply record the CDP neighbor info from the last time the phone registered that would go a long way in shortening troubleshooting time because it would give us an idea of what switch and possibly what port to look at as well.

  • Kyle Rogers
  • Apr 5 2024