User Community Feedback

Submitted ideas will be evaluated by our product teams for upcoming releases and will be responded to so you know where things stand. For product support, please use the community forums or contact TAC.

NOTE: All Cisco employees & Channel Partners must enter Ideas through this Ideas Portal.

Generating a report containing their details like domain name, mail ID, added date, recent activity, space/team name

We need assistance in generating a report containing their details like domain name, mail ID, added date, recent activity, space/team name and how long they have been in that space. Please note that we have a report template in CH on external domains but it does not provide all the details mentioned above.

( does not show all details Please note that we have a report template in CH on external domains but it does not provide all the details like space/team name and how long they have been in that space.)

  • May 9 2024