User Community Feedback

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Webex App Update Alert In The Middle Of The Meeting

Right now, when the customer is in a middle of the meeting and clicks on the update button (Green circular arrow button), they get the message "Install the update and restart Webex". Once you click on Update, the ongoing Webex closes as the App is restarted. This is expected.

However, customer has requested that the messaging be more clear as there may be users who are unaware that the Meeting would end if they update the Webex App.

E..g When I manually close the app during the meeting, I get the message: End meeting. If you close this window, you'll end the meeting. Do you want to continue.

Can a similar messaging be implemented when the user clicks on the Update button during the meeting so that they are aware that that the ongoing meeting would end?

  • Vincent Ho
  • May 22 2024