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MS Teams on IP phone running PhoneOS

Cisco MTR running on RoomOS is a great idea as the overall quality of the product hardware is far greater than those of other vendors.

I've heard about MS developing a light version of MS Teams client for running on IP Phones, because currently the user experience is awful on Poly or Audiocodes deskphones.

Despite the fact that a vast majority of users are moving to a softphone solution, there is still a need for IP Phones (lobby, rooms , reception, some desks...). Cisco may study the idea of a Cisco MTP (Microsoft Teams Phone) , as the hardware quality, design, responsiveness, management is better than the other vendors also.

  • Jean-Christophe Majchrzak
  • May 22 2024
  • Jean Francois Pujol commented
    23 May 08:35

    Softphones are not an attractive solution for Executives people, so there is some market for high end phones besides the low-end devices

  • Christophe DEMONT commented
    22 May 16:12

    Great idea, also, another complementary option would be to offer a MSFT native and with a Control Hub link for configuration/firmware/analytics, like what is done for room devices in Webex Edge for devices.