User Community Feedback

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Add a 'Back to Top' modal that jumps the user to the first message in a chat

Like many teams, we use extensive, individual Webex channels for distinct topics like troubleshooting an incident. As the channel can grow extremely long with multiple posts, I propose adding a modal in a channel that, upon click, will jump the user to the very first post in the channel (e.g., like an anchor "#top" hyperlink).

Acceptance Criteria:

Given I am any Webex user,

When I'm browsing through a large WebEx channel with several pages of posts,

Then I should see a modal with the text 'Back to Top' that, when clicked, will refresh the channel to bring me to the very first post (oldest post) in the channel.

Additional Recommendations:

  • Modal should be small and centered above text input area

  • Settings options for the user to enable/disable the modal in Webex settings

  • Daniel Edwards
  • Jun 7 2024
  • Daniel Edwards commented
    07 Jun 17:58

    In latest Webex app, we have a down arrow that brings us to the very bottom/most current post. I'd suggest matching that same design iconography (to unify user experience), but for jumping to the top.