User Community Feedback

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Webex is introducing an in-meeting pause announcement feature to keep users aware when recording is paused, with options to stop the announcement, set reminder timers, and ensure email notifications reflect actual recording duration for clarity and professionalism.

In-Meeting Pause Announcement Feature:

  • Announcement Message: When the recording of a Webex meeting is paused, an announcement will be made to the user: "You are recording, but the recording is paused"

  • Options to Stop Announcement: Users will have the option to stop this announcement if they find it unnecessary or disruptive. Reminder Timer: Users can set a timer to remind them that the recording is paused. The available options for the timer are 1, 5, 10, 15, 20 minutes, or OFF. This ensures users are periodically reminded that the recording is not active, avoiding unintended lapses.

  • Recording Duration in Email Notification: Email Content Adjustment: The email notification sent to users after a Webex meeting will reflect the duration of the actual recording rather than the full meeting duration. This ensures clarity and relevance, as the primary purpose of the email is to provide details about the recorded content.

In-Meeting Pause Announcement Feature:

  • User Awareness: The primary goal of the in-meeting pause announcement is to ensure that users are always aware when the recording is paused. This prevents situations where important parts of the meeting might be missed due to the recording being paused unintentionally.

  • User Control and Flexibility: By providing options to stop the announcement and set reminder timers, users can tailor the feature to their preferences and needs. This balance between notification and user control enhances the overall meeting experience without being intrusive.

  • Avoiding Mistakes: Regular reminders help in avoiding scenarios where users might forget to resume recording, thereby ensuring that all critical parts of the meeting are captured.

Recording Duration in Email Notification:

  • Relevance of Information: Users rely on email notifications to understand what was captured in the recording. Displaying the actual recording duration provides accurate and relevant information, reducing confusion.

  • Professionalism and Clarity: Clear and precise information in email notifications reflects a professional approach and enhances user trust and satisfaction with the Webex service. It ensures that users can quickly assess the content and duration of the recording without having to cross-check with the full meeting duration.

  • User Expectations: Meeting participants expect the email to reflect the recording details accurately. Aligning the email content with the actual recording duration meets these expectations and improves the usability and value of the notifications.

  • Prashant Goyal
  • Jun 11 2024