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Have a “none” as an option in the "Audio connection type" for hosts

Business Case: Some hosts need to schedule meetings with alternative audio sources. Disabling “Webex Audio” and “use VoIP only” is a requirement.

With the update to the Webex Meeting Platform to commercial (Webex Suite), Other Teleconference Service (OTS) audio connection type was retired. The recommended approach is to manually add the OTS audio details to the invitation. Although valid, there is still no way to force users onto the alternate OTS when scheduling a meeting.

Depending on a host’s telephony privileges when scheduling a meeting, either “Webex Audio” or “use VoIP only” or both are available as an audio connection type. There is currently no way to remove either or both right from scheduling. A “none” audio connection type would allow a host to schedule a meeting and provide OTS details, while preventing users to join the default audio connection type.

The current workaround is to disable all telephony privileges to the host, revealing “none” as an audio connection type. Depending on the scheduling tool used (, Webex App, Cisco Webex Scheduler), the audio connection type field can be empty, unable to select an option. It defaults to “none”. The workaround is less than ideal for hosts who manages several, and different types of, meetings with various audio requirements.

  • Rose Rivera Arenas
  • Jun 11 2024