User Community Feedback

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NOTE: All Cisco employees & Channel Partners must enter Ideas through this Ideas Portal.

A Customer Webex user has requested to add a short cut key in Webex app that will automatically redirect the user to a chat box that will reply to the latest chat or to the recent pop-up Chat Notification window.

A Customer Webex user has requested to add a short cut key in Webex app that will automatically redirect the user to a chat box that will reply to the latest chat or to the recent pop-up Chat Notification window.

  • Gloria Mariano
  • Jun 17 2024
  • Will not implement
  • Gloria Mariano commented
    17 Jun 12:36

    Customer also added as Webex user he needs the shortcut key that will allow him to reply to the latest message in chat (any individual/space) also the recent Chat Notification pop up with an option to send a response (similar to whatsapp notifications on web) with an option to ‘mark read’ too, if possible.