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Webex Contact Search Collisions

There seems to be an oversight the contact search functionality in webex if we have multiple locations with multiple calling scenarios.

Location A - Webex Calling Local Gateway

Location B - Has UCM Calling

Even considering that both locations have different call controlls, if the extensions collide in example extension 899 exists on both locations.

User on Location B eventhough the call will route sucessfully to the right user since the extension is local to the Callmanager, webex will show the contact information of Location A User.

A Workaround is to add prefixes to internal dialing, but this is only possible if the webex location is using Webex PSTN or Local gatwey, so in above scenario in location A

in case of Location B since it uses UCM calling no prefix options are available B/C Webex is not used as callcontroll.

For Location B internal dialplan has to be completely redesign on CUCM wich is simply not scalable

If we consider this to multiple locations using different Calling setups it becoes not feasable since webex offers no feature to control contact search for UCM Calling between Locations

  • Service Cisco
  • Jul 3 2024