User Community Feedback

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Display call-in details (Access code and Attendee ID) even if meeting hasn't started, and allow users stay on-hold in the call

  • Why it's useful? It allows attendee callers to be on-time for their meeting. I have to wait for the host to open the meeting so I can see the call-in details, then find country call-in phone number, type number by number access code and attendee then, it's being already a minute later joining audio. Very very frustrating, I don't want people to be waiting for me to join audio, specially if the meeting is with a high-level executive who can meet for 5 minutes only.

  • Who would benefit? Users who want to (or can only) call-in.

  • How should it work? Let me do all the set-up by displaying all the call-in information, if meeting has not being opened yet, put me on hold on the phone and open it automatically as the host opens the meeting.

One more thing... a brutal honest user feedback: Webex user experience sucks! Please benchmark with Zoom and implement design thinking into your product. Until then, I will not recommend Webex to anybody.

  • Guest
  • Nov 16 2020