User Community Feedback

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Webex teams emojis

Webex teams: There is a good selection of emojis in Teams Messages. However, the set of emojis that is available to react to messages by others ('Add reaction' button) is limited to seven types only. Would recommend to add more emojis to that or to add an option to select the one user needs.

  • Guest
  • Dec 29 2020
  • Future consideration
  • Guest commented
    October 14, 2021 18:04

    We just started using Webex messaging, which is actually pretty slick. But the one thing we all are missing is the lack of emoji for reactions. The 7 emoji options are way too limiting. We were previously using Google chat, which allows you to react with ANY of the available emoji, which is waaaaay better and allows us to be more expressive. In Webex we're having to actually chat an emoji when it's invariably something not in the available set, sending push notifications to everyone when we react to something, which is not ideal.