User Community Feedback

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Have an option to have meetings created with the Webex Education Connector set to automatically record on the cloud

We have had many instructors who have missed recordings of class meetings because they forget to push the record button or they have the recordings set to record locally. There should be an option for the instructor to set all meetings made in the Education Connector to automatically record.

Many instructors have hesitated to record all meetings, as some meetings outside of the Education Connector may be for a Grad Assistant review. So a button to change this setting just for meetings created in Education Connector would be very useful.

  • Guest
  • May 4 2020
  • Shipped
  • Shankar Subramaniam commented
    August 19, 2020 15:10

    Yes, I agree with Cory on this. It makes no sense to not add a feature to the Education Connector that is already available under Advanced in the regular WebEx meetings.

    Please consider this as an urgent high-priority need from faculty!

    I missed hitting record yesterday and lost the first part of my lecture. This kind of stuff should be automated so that faculty can focus their attention on teaching their subject matter, not worrying about which button to push so that they can record. There is enough to keep up with in online instruction without Webex making it harder for us.