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Allow for shared calendar Webex accounts

There are multiple use cases for shared calendar accounts, essentially allowing this to serve as an account that multiple users have access to schedule on a shared calendar at a company. An example of a use case would be to have a monthly stand-up meeting set aside using a Personal Meeting Room tied to a shared calendar account.

What we feel we need is to be able to identify which users can have control of that shared account’s settings from an Administrator perspective and then those account co-owner users could control who the CoHosts are, set the PMR PIN, etc. At the same time if the shared calendar account could simply allow us to specify who the account’s PMR CoHosts are, someone could start the meeting from the app and then allow video unit attendees to join.

  • McKenzie Schooff
  • Jan 8 2021
  • Future consideration
  • Guest commented
    January 08, 2021 18:52

    One of the cases we've initially used Shared Calendar Accounts for are when a department sends all of its meetings, including those that use Webex, from a shared calendar / department calendar / team calendar in Outlook. This has many many benefits including not having to re-schedule recurring department or team meetings when someone changes departments or leaves the company. It also allows multiple calendar managers to update meetings and provide out of office coverage for those duties. Giving the shared calendar a Webex account is a requirement for this to function, however without the ability to set the settings for this shared account there are a few situations where functionality is left out and other great use cases are not possible.
    One of the challenges with setting those settings on a shared account in our environment is because not only are we setup with directory sync, but we also have single sign on which prevents us from being able to simply login to the shared calendar's Webex account and change the settings.

    If we could as administrators actually assign a "CoOwnership" role to another user for an account that is tied to a shared calendar or to any account that needs another person other than the host owner of the account to manage those settings (for example in the case of an Executive Assistant and the Executive they support) then that would be ideal, but it would also be acceptable if Administrators could either set the host PIN or assign CoHosts to the PMR for an account in this scenario.