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Change Space Meeting Behavior during Meeting.

When a person joins a space meeting where they were no member of the space when the meeting was started, they will have to wait in the lobby until they are let in.

When a person is member of a space when the meeting is started, and removed from the meeting after meeting started, the person gets removed from the space, but when they join the meeting again they do not have to wait in the lobby.

We would need the person removed from a space during the meeting to wait in the lobby when they want to join the meeting again, since they are no member of the space anymore.

  • Petra Raab
  • Mar 17 2021
  • Planned
  • Wade Hunter commented
    March 18, 2021 18:53

    To add to this, if a user is not a member of a space, but is added to the space after the meeting has started, they are still treated as a guest when joining the meeting.

    It seems that the meeting takes a snapshot of the group membership when a meeting is started, and doesn't consider any changes made while the meeting is in progress.

  • Guest commented
    March 17, 2021 13:07

    no member - no meeting - that`s the right way !!