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The Improvement of connector between moodle and cisco webex

Mine is a request to improve the connector between Cisco Webex and the Moodle platform. What are the required improvements?

First, when accessing the connector, users only need to see the join button to join the meeting. They must not also be able to go to the list of past meetings, nor to recordings.

The list of past meetings is a matter does not concern users but only event organizers. The connector is used by moodle owners and we have moodle to track who watches webinar recordings, we need it for evaluation purposes. Otherwise we would have just cisco.

We now put in place a series of measures to avoid all this. But it is incorrect that the connector works like this

Plus the current graphics confuse the user. He just needs to see a nice big "Join" button. Instead they get confused and we take time to answer their questions

Why is it important for our users to log into moodle on Cisco? One login to enter moodle and cisco is better. They don't have to log in twice. They don't have to wait for an email with the link. They are autonomous. This for them it is a better experience.

Thanks if anyone wants to take our needs into consideration

  • Guest
  • Mar 26 2021
  • Future consideration
  • Michael Bissani commented
    April 14, 2021 21:41

    Hello - We did not create the moodle connector I believe you're referring to here:

    "Disclaimer: WebEx, Cisco WebEx, Cisco and the WebEx Ball logo are Registered Trademarks of Cisco.

    This module is in no way affiliated with, endorsed by, or approved by Cisco."

    We can look into creating and managing one in the future, but this isn't in a near term roadmap unfortunately.