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Font Size change on webex

Hi Team,

Can we have font size and type face change feature on webex. this is very basic feature and missing, really webex font on macOS looks very tiny and stress full

  • Guest
  • Jun 14 2021
  • Planned
  • Lisa Scott commented
    March 23, 2022 22:34

    My org just switched from Skype. In Skype I could elect to have my viewing pane display in one of four font sizes, without forcing that change on other messaging users. It was local to my monitor in my settings. I have a vision accommodation, but Webex cannot meet my needs. What am I and my EEO office to do? Even this dialog box has more options than the paid software package. Color, font, highlighting.

  • Daniel Mendez commented
    October 18, 2021 21:18

    Upvote! this is really an essential feature.

  • Jason Lee commented
    July 01, 2021 01:43

    I agree. Simple thing such as the ability to change font size of Webex Meetings chat window should be an ESSENTIAL FEATURE! Even Zoom platform has it. No wonder they are fast gaining market share in terms of user friendliness.