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Wet Mix Macadam and Soil Stabilization plant - Atlas Technologies

Wet mix macadam plant is available in capacities 100 tph, 160 tph and 200 tph. Sturdy pug mill mixing unit best offers from Atlas WMM plant. Exporter of Soil Stabilization plant and Wet Mix Plant in Worldwide. Atlas wet mix macadam plant is designed for road contractors who are ever looking for a strong and reliable machine for their important construction projects. Each component is designed with precision and care to ensure that customer enjoys the functioning and utilizes the plant to the maximum. Available WMM Plants in capacities 100 up, 160 tph, and 200 tph the contractor has wide options to go as per his project requirement. Wet Mix Plant will help customers make a homogenous mix of base or sub-base layers before laying of hot mix asphalt.


  • Atlas Technologies
  • Jun 24 2021