User Community Feedback

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Make Webex fonts bigger.

I am submitting this feature request on behalf of our Webex customer Paul.

Please find below his valuable feedback.

" Use bigger fonts. On modern high-resolution screens (I use 3840x2160 at my desk, and 3072‑by‑1920 on a 16" screen on the MacBookPro), the current miniscule fonts combined with gray-on gray color scheme make the options very difficult to read. "

  • Nikolet Georgieva
  • Jul 13 2021
  • Ken Lawrence commented
    February 18, 2022 14:16

    It is extremely rare for a windows application to not have this feature, please add this to the settings! This can be done through a zoom setting or a font size/type setting. I'm only on a 1440p screen so it's not too bad but I could only imagine if I was using a 4k screen how bad this would be unless I were to use the Windows DPI setting. The problem with that is it makes absolutely everything zoomed/larger. I would not like that, I use the stock 100% DPI and just adjust certain apps to have slightly larger text. This is a must, please add! Thanks!

  • Curtis Cox commented
    July 13, 2021 18:37

    YES! Please allow a user to change the font size!