User Community Feedback

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Read Aloud & Dictation

I would really love it if webex added read aloud and dictation features. I have dyslexia and reading and writing will be a challenge everyday of my life. For people with disabilities these features can be real game changer. It can make people feel better about themselves and not be held back by having trouble reading moving chats. With being dyslexia reading a group chat can be a real challenge as the text moves and people keep putting my words on the screen which makes it so I can't find my spot and I can't comprehend what I am reading in that setting. I maybe the smartest person in the room but if the text keeps moving I'm lost. But with read aloud features I could have a program read to me and then I'm not lost. Please consider adding these features. People with disabilities would jump for joy if you added them.

  • Guest
  • Aug 16 2021
  • Future consideration
  • Peter Dallas commented
    24 May 15:09

    Something like the Immersive Reader that is in the webhosted version of Outlook would be great!

  • Sunny Guy commented
    January 23, 2023 21:01

    It`s a great idea!

  • Billi Simpson commented
    May 28, 2022 14:10
