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Webex Meetings - List the Audio Devices in Pre-Joined Screen

When you are joining a meeting (pre-meeting join screen). It would be nice to show the audio devices in selected. Rather than clicking the down arrow in the mute button to see what has been selected.

I notice when hovering the mouse over the "Test speaker and microphone" it displays the devices. However I think it would be more beneficial if these devices were actually displayed, rather than requiring the individual to hover over.

Either displayed somewhere on this screen (near mute button), or new section which shows devices, or under the test speaker and microphone.

Too often, people have joined meetings where the default device (headset) has not been selected.

  • Guest
  • Sep 14 2021
  • Manan commented
    September 14, 2021 04:32

    This is an increasing issue especially in environments where applications such as WebEx and Teams coexist. Adding this feature in would make a significant difference and reduce support overhead! Great idea.