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individual Meeting-Passwords for each participant?

Idea to avoid

What about an option to issue individual meeting-passwords for each partcipant?
perhaps even link that PW to the eMail-Address of the participant?

In this case, the meeting-"bomber" not just has to guess
* the meeting-number, but also
* the eMail-address of one participant AND
* the password that is linked to this address, valid only for this specific meeting.

  • Guest
  • Jul 3 2020
  • Need more info
  • Guest commented
    August 19, 2020 08:44

    answer to "need more info":

    since the invention of "zoom-bombing", meeting-passwords are mandatory/default.


    But: all participants receive and use the same meeting-password.
    This may be an issue in case of leaking passwords or unprotected/hacked eMail-Accounts - esp. since the is no 2FA for Webex Logon.

    You may increase the security-level by optionally:

    • issuing individual passwords to each participant


    • use the eMail-address of the participant in the Password-generating-algorithm. (the password is only valid for the participant´s email-Address)

    Meeting "TEST"

    Meeting-Password for Mr A: "xyz"

    Meeting-Password for Ms B: "123"

    Meeting-Password for Mr C: "ab1"

    Meeting-Password for Ms D: "567"


    more protection against "unwanted guests" in meetings;

    it may even help to find the leak in case there are unwanted guests in the meeting: just check which password was used more than once in the specific meeting.


    Its no longer possible to forward the invitation to a co-worker.