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Prevent attendees from joining meeting early and disabling "attendees can join X minutes before start time"

If a Webex meeting is scheduled with the "Attendees can join meeting 5/10/15 minutes before starting time" parameter and an attendee tries to join before that time period, it disables that setting during the actual 5/10/15 window, and attendees are forced to wait for the host instead of the meeting kicking off.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Schedule two meetings, Meeting A and Meeting B, both with "attendees can join meeting 5/10/15 minutes before starting time" enabled

  2. As an attendee, join Meeting A early, before the allocated 5/10/15 minutes. The meeting will say it require the host to start the call. Close Meeting A.

  3. Once the actual 5/10/15 join meeting early period is active, as an attendee, try to join both Meeting A and Meeting B.

  4. Attendees in Meeting A will be forced to wait for the host to join. Attendees in Meeting B will have their meeting start without the host.

  • Devin Ichikawa
  • Oct 29 2021