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To be able to create a group without having to create a space and inviting to join like Skype and to show who is online

This way I can contact the person who specialize in their area and who is online

  • Ximena Fernandez
  • Jul 7 2020
  • Future consideration
  • Freddie Timmins commented
    August 12, 2020 16:07

    👍🏼 - we are looking into a feature that allows users to group spaces and contacts and categorise them using labels. We will keep this ask in mind as well in terms of groups within spaces.

  • Mary Yarborough commented
    August 12, 2020 15:49

    I agree with Jennifer and Top Contacts doesn't work for my purpose. I currently still use Skype for this purpose because I have my contacts grouped by expertise. With a running list I will have no way to identify specific contacts for specific expertise... especially when the contact is an occasional contact. We need to be able to group our contacts.

  • Jennifer Wright commented
    August 12, 2020 15:36

    I don't really feel the contacts tab meets the need here. This is just creating another unsorted list for us. For me, at least, I would like to be able to create a list that has subgroups (that could potentially be expanded or contracted). For example I might work randomly with people on Team A, Team B, and Team C but not often enough so i might forget who my contact is. If i have team A labelled as "AIM" or Team B labelled as "GETS" i then can have the team members from those teams and can more quickly identify who i might need. I hope this makes sense.

  • Freddie Timmins commented
    August 12, 2020 15:29

    We now have a contacts tab in Webex Teams - here you can add top contacts.

  • Shannon DeVita commented
    July 08, 2020 12:58

    Agreed - being able to have a contact list in place without having to add people to a team or space is necessary. Allowing us to have groups of people who we might need to reach out to on ocassion in other parts of the organization - but not require them to join a team or space would be great.

  • Jennifer Wright commented
    July 07, 2020 19:02

    Agree totally. My Skype and Sametime lists were both divided up by areas/products so I knew who I was looking for when reaching out to lesser contacted associates. There's no logical sort to the list we have, and no way to group people together without creating a space.

  • Scott Bosarge commented
    July 07, 2020 18:56

    Combine with

  • Mary Yarborough commented
    July 07, 2020 18:38

    This is probably highest on my list. I have created groups in Skype based on contacts in specific areas. I have to go to Skype now when searching for that expertise. Of course I can create a space but may need to only chat with one person.