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Add 'personName' field to the 'message' entity/object


I have implemented the rooms/messages functionalities of the JS SDK in a custom application, for chatting.

Being a chat, I obviously display the name(s) of the message senders. But the message object/entity doesn't have a name field, only the email (see image).

Now, I would consider displaying the email instead, but being that I use guest issuer/ tokens to register/authenticate users, the email, well, is not user friendly (see image). So, I have to retrieve user information using the API and keeping the user details in state.
But I feel there is no reason to do so, when the message entity can have the name field itself, and I think I might not be the only one to think so.
So I'd like for you to consider adding the 'name' field in the message entity.

I strongly think this would be an ease not only for me, but for many people implementing 'rooms' and 'messages' functionalities from the SDK.

Not only it would off-load your server(s) from the unneccessary API requests for just a name, it would also spare us (developers) the need to handle 429 (Too Many Requests) responses.

  • Ergis Gjergji
  • Nov 26 2021