User Community Feedback

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Customized notifications to specific users/spaces and ability to activate reminder notifications in chats.

Currently the only options I have are to turn off notifications, or turn them on. For persistent chat spaces, the notifications are especially distracting. I have to mute them, or stop what I'm doing to make sure it isn't an urgent message every single time a new chat comes in. I would like the option to set different sounds to different users/spaces.

For example, I want to know when my manager sends a chat because it is likely urgent and I need to address it immediately,

I want a reminder sound if it's a project space where I will need to review the chat, but can do so at a later time, and

I want a sound specific for the recurring spaces I oversee where I only need to know if folks are asking questions outside of regular service hours and I am the only one in the office.

Message reminder options would be very helpful too because sometimes I need to review project space chats later than they come in, and it is impossible to mark a message as "unread" once the chat is opened. Currently I am creating outlook reminders which is tedious. A "flag to review later" option on chat messages/spaces would solve this.

  • Tiffany Grano
  • Jul 24 2020
  • Future consideration