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Production Mode

This is probably a very niche idea, but I'd like the ability to "produce" the event from behind the scenes, choosing different webcams to highlight, adding transitions, choosing the attendees' view layout, and pulling up screenshares (with desktop audio) from multiple panelists live, while hiding the user doing the production. This could be enabled by a new Producer role in the event and they could be invisible to the rest of the meeting. And if there were points in the event where the extra control wasn't needed, there could be an option to put the event into "Auto", where the event would function like a typical webex event does currently. Am I being too ambitious? :)

  • Josh Haynes
  • Aug 26 2020
  • Future consideration
  • Brendan Thompson commented
    October 06, 2021 16:17

    Stage layout is fine until you share something and then can't change the stage layout... Meaning you need a second person to do shares or stage management. And then when share content is full screen you cannot control who is pinned in the floating window (which always shows active speaker). Stage layout is a half baked idea and it was honestly better before. Give us the power of the previous iteration with the new abilities of the stage.

  • Gautam Gupta commented
    October 06, 2021 16:07

    We already have customizable stage layout which allows for managing the view for event attendees. We have a more advanced producer mode on our backlog.

  • Guest commented
    October 15, 2020 20:43

    This is not niche at all! This is something that is missing from solutions right now. Microsoft Teams has a "live events" platform which, in theory, kind of works this way - but is severely lacking. This would be an excellent tool that would certainly set WebEx apart - especially since larger, more polished virtual events are being more the expectation than the exception.