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License report of all the control hub provisioned is a partner hub

It would be very useful for service providers or partners providing several control hubs in order to keep track of the licences used by customers and to be aligned between licences purchased and licences used by each customer.

This aligment means higher quality of the service provided.

The way it would work would be:

1. Add a menu for reports in the partner hub.

2. Choose whether we want to run the report for one, several or all control hubs.

3. The report will show for each control hub:

  • Number and type of licenses purchased for each control hub and/or subscription. In case of control hubs with several subscriptions number and type of licenses per subscription.

  • Licenses used (number and type) for each control hub, subscription and/or site.

  • Diference between purchased licenses and used licenses.

  • Jose Manuel Maestro Gilmartin
  • Oct 26 2022